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A New Year full of adventures: New Year's resolutions for children in daycare

· 2 min read

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The New Year is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to set New Year's resolutions with the children at daycare. Not only is this a fun activity, but it's also a great way to encourage little ones' self-reflection and goal setting. Here are some simple steps to create an unforgettable New Year's tradition together.

1. Creative Introduction

Begins the activity with a short introduction. Tell children that the New Year is like a blank book waiting to be filled with exciting adventures. Ask them what things they would like to experience or learn in the next year.

2. Brainstorming together

Sit down in a group and start a creative brainstorming session. Ask the children about their wishes, goals and things they would like to do. Write down the ideas on a large piece of paper or board so everyone can see them.

3. Colorful visualization

Have the children visualize their goals. Give them paper, pens, glue, and colorful materials to write or create their New Year's resolutions. Whether it's learning a new instrument, exploring nature or helping friends, children can express their creativity.

4. Share and Discuss

After everyone has created their work of art, you can do a short round of introductions. Each child can present their New Year's resolution and explain why they chose this goal. This encourages communication and sharing of thoughts.

5. Shared Commitment

Completes the activity with a shared commitment. Have the children put their hands on each other and promise to support each other in achieving their goals. This strengthens the sense of community and cooperation.

6. Involve parents

Inform parents about the activity and ask them to support their children in implementing their New Year's resolutions.


This can be done very well using a daycare app like Kigana.

7. Periodic Review

Schedule regular reviews of New Year resolutions throughout the year. For example, this could happen every month or every quarter. Discuss how children are doing in achieving their goals and encourage them to share their experiences.


Introducing New Year's resolutions in daycare is not only an entertaining tradition, but also promotes the children's personal development. Together they can learn to set goals, track their progress and support each other. Let's start an exciting new year full of adventure and personal growth together!