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Join a center

This help article will guide you through the steps to join a childcare center on Kigana, whether you are using the Android or iOS app or accessing the platform via a browser. Please note that you will need an invitation code provided by your childcare center to complete the process.

Step 1: Create an Account

Before joining a childcare center on Kigana, you need to create an account on the platform. Follow this guide to get started.

Step 2: Receiving the Invitation Code

To join a childcare center on Kigana, you will need an invitation code provided by your childcare center. This code may be sent to you via email or provided as a physical invitation with a QR code. Follow these instructions based on how you receive the invitation code:

  • Option 1: Email Invitation

    1. Check your email inbox for a message from your childcare center containing the invitation code.
    2. Open the email and locate the invite link provided. Click on the link to be redirected to the invite process on Kigana.
  • Option 2: Physical Invitation with QR Code

    1. If you receive a physical invitation with a QR code, ensure you have the Kigana app installed on your mobile device.
    2. Launch your camera app or QR code scanner app. Position your device's camera over the QR code on the physical invitation, and the app will automatically detect, process the code and open the Kigana app.
  • Option 3: Manual Insertion of Invitation Code

    1. If you prefer to manually enter the invitation code, launch the Kigana app or access the platform on your browser.

    2. Use the login to enter your account.

    3. Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the "join center" screen if you haven't joined any yet.


      You can also join additional centers even if you're already associated with a center.

    4. Type in the invitation code provided by your childcare center in the designated field.

    5. Tap on the "Submit" or "Join Center" button to proceed.

Step 3: Joining the Childcare Center

After successfully entering the invitation code, you are ready to join your childcare center on Kigana. Follow these steps:

  1. Review the information displayed about the childcare center, including its name, address, and any additional details provided.
  2. If you are satisfied with the details, tap on the "Join Center" or similar button to finalize the process.
  3. The platform will validate the invitation code, and upon successful verification, you will be granted access to your childcare center's features and services on Kigana.
  4. You may be required to complete additional steps, such as filling out registration forms or providing additional information. Follow the prompts provided by your childcare center or the Kigana platform to complete any necessary steps.

Step 4: Requesting a New Invitation Code

If your invitation code has expired or you encounter any issues during the invitation process, you can request a new code from your childcare center. Please contact the center directly to inquire about receiving a new invitation code.


Joining a childcare center on Kigana is a straightforward process that involves creating an account, obtaining an invitation code, and completing the invitation process. Whether you choose to use the Kigana app on Android or iOS or access the platform through a browser, you can easily connect with your childcare center and enjoy the benefits of using Kigana for childcare management.