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Inviting a team member

As a childcare administrator using Kigana, you have the ability to invite employees to join your childcare center on the platform. This article will guide you through the process of inviting new team members and existing employees to Kigana, using the web browser interface. By inviting employees, they can access various features within Kigana, including child management, the blog, and time tracking. Let's get started!

Please note that before setting up employees, you need to have already created a childcare center in Kigana. If you haven't done so, please refer to our guide on "Create a center" for detailed instructions.

Once you have created your childcare center, follow the steps below to set up your employees:

Step 1: Accessing the Team Member List

  1. Log in to your Kigana account using your web browser.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the dashboard or home screen.
  3. Look for the "Team" tab and click on it. This will take you to the team member list.

Step 2: Creating New Team Members

  1. On the team member list, locate the "Onboard" button and click on it.
  2. On the onboarding page you will be prompted to provide the names of the new team members.
  3. Enter the names and email addresses of the individuals you wish to invite as team members.
  4. Optionally, you can check the "Send invite" option to send an invitation email to the newly onboarded team members.
  5. Click "Save" or "Submit" to create the new team members and send the invitations if applicable.

Step 3: Inviting Existing Employees

  1. In the team member list, locate the existing employee(s) you want to invite to Kigana.
  2. Click on the employee's name to access their individual profile.
  3. Within the employee's profile, look for the "Invite to Kigana" section.
  4. If this section exists it will offer options for inviting the employee.
  5. Choose between sending an automatic email invitation or printing a physical invitation that can be distributed.
    • Automatic Email Invite: Use this option if you prefer to send an email invitation. Enter the employee's email address and click the "Send" button.
    • Physical Invitation: Select this option if you want to print a physical invitation. Click on the "Download invitation" button, and a printable version of the invitation will be generated. Distribute the printed invitations to the individual employee.
  6. Repeat these steps for each existing employee you wish to invite.

Step 4: Employee Acceptance and Accessing Features

  1. The invited employees will receive the invitation, whether via email or a physical copy.
  2. Upon receiving the invitation, the employees should follow the instructions provided to accept the invitation.
  3. After accepting the invite, the employees will gain access to the childcare center's features, such as child management, the blog, and time tracking.
  4. They can log in to Kigana using their credentials or the unique invitation link provided in the email or physical invitation.

Step 5: Resending Invitations (If Required)

  1. If an invite expires or an employee needs a new invitation, you can resend the invitation.
  2. Access the team member list and locate the employee's name.
  3. Follow the steps outlined in "Step 3: Inviting Existing Employees" to re-invite the employee.
  4. Choose the appropriate invitation method (email or print) and send the invitation again.


Inviting employees to join your childcare center on Kigana is a straightforward process that can be done through the web browser interface. By following the steps provided in this article, you can successfully invite new team members and existing employees to join the platform. Remember to provide clear instructions to employees on accepting the invite and accessing the childcare center's features. If needed, you can also resend invitations in case they expire or require a new invite. Enjoy managing your childcare center efficiently with Kigana!