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Navigating the Kigana Web App

This guide will help you navigate the Kigana Web App on your browser, providing an overview of each page's features and functionalities. Let's get started!


The Dashboard is the first page you'll see upon logging into the Kigana Web App. It presents you with quick statistics related to your childcare center, including the number of children, parents, team members, and blog posts. The Dashboard also features the following widgets:

  1. Upcoming Birthdays: This widget displays a list of upcoming birthdays of the children in your center. It helps you stay informed and plan birthday celebrations in advance.
  2. Time Tracking: The Time Tracking widget shows the current user's time tracking record for the current day.


The Children page contains a list of all the children in your childcare center. You can easily sort the children by name for better organization. To add a new child to the system, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Onboard" button located on the Children page.
  2. Fill in the required information about the child, such as their name, date of birth, and any additional details you need to capture.
  3. Save the child's profile, and they will be added to your center's roster.


On the Groups page, you'll find a list of child groups within your center. This feature allows you to categorize children based on different criteria, such as age groups or specific programs. To create a new group:

  1. Click on the "Onboard" button on the Groups page.
  2. Provide a name and any relevant details for the new group.
  3. Save the group's profile, and it will be available for assigning children.


The Guardians page provides a comprehensive list of individual parents or guardians associated with the children in your center. You can sort the list by name and filter it based on active or inactive accounts. To add a new guardian:

  1. Click on the "Onboard" button on the Guardians page.
  2. Enter the required information, such as the guardian's name, contact details, and relationship to the child.
  3. Save the guardian's profile, and they will be linked to their child's information.


The Team page displays a list of all the team members working in your childcare center. You can easily sort the list by name for better organization. To add a new team member:

  1. Click on the "Onboard" button on the Team page.
  2. Fill in the necessary details, including the team member's name, contact information, and role within the center.
  3. Save the team member's profile, and they will be added to your center's staff roster.


The Blog page enables you to communicate with parents by sharing blog posts. The page displays a list of existing blog posts. To create a new blog post:

  1. Click on the "New Post" button on the Blog page.
  2. Provide a title, content, and any other relevant information for the blog post.
  3. Publish the post, and it will be visible to parents through the parent portal.
  4. Alternatively, you can save the post as draft or schedule it to be published later.

Time Tracking

The Time Tracking page offers a comprehensive time tracking dashboard for each employee in your childcare center. It provides aggregated information on the total hours tracked per week and day. Additionally, it offers a weekly overview of tracked tasks. To create a new timer entry:

  1. Navigate to the Time Tracking page.
  2. Select the employee for whom you want to track time.
  3. Enter the details of the task or activity, including the start and end times.
  4. Save the entry, and it will be logged in the employee's time tracking dashboard.


The Resources page houses a collection of helpful resources for childcare center administrators and educators. You can access this page to find valuable information, guides, and documents to support your work.

User Profile

At the bottom left corner of the Kigana Web App, you'll find your profile name. Clicking on your profile name opens a menu that provides access to additional features, including:

  1. Manage Center Information: This feature allows you to update and manage your center's details, such as contact information, address, and operating hours.
  2. Switch Centers: If you have access to multiple childcare centers within Kigana, you can switch between them using this option. You can also create additional center from this menu.
  3. Account Settings: Here, you can customize your personal account settings, such as changing your password, updating email preferences, and managing notifications.
  4. Logout: Clicking on this option will securely log you out of the Kigana Web App.

Congratulations! You now have a comprehensive overview of the Kigana Web App's main pages and features. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy managing!